The Computer Science Technical Reports Project (CS-TR)
This is a project of the Corporation for National Research
Initiatives (CNRI) and five leading universities to develop
concepts for electronic libraries. Each of the universities is placing its
Computer Science Technical Reports and
related technical reports, in a network of digital library servers. In addition, CNRI and the universities are conducting research on various aspects of storage, search, retrieval and display.
Participating Institutions
CS-TR is supported by the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
The following implementation work at Carnegie Mellon has been supported the CS-TR project.
- On-line technical reports
- The Mercury Project and the School of Computer Science Publications Office maintain an on-line index to Computer Science Technical Reports at Carnegie Mellon and several other universities. High quality bit-mapped page images of Carnegie Mellon reports are provided.
Research and development
CS-TR has provided partial support for the following research and development in electronic libraries.
- Informedia pilot
- The Informedia Project is building a large, on-line digital
video library by developing intelligent, automatic mechanisms to populate the library and allow for full-content and knowledge-based search and retrieval via desktop computer and metropolitan area networks. A successful pilot was implemented with support from CS-TR. Informedia is now one of the major NSF/ARPA/NASA Digital Library Initiatives.
- Lycos
- Lycos is a research program in providing information retrieval and discovery in the WWW, using a finite memory model of the web to guide intelligent, directed searches for specific information needs. Lycos currently implements basic information retrieval on
rich abstracts of Web documents. Public Lycos servers are available and widely used.
- The CLARIT Project is exploiting selective natural language processing, focusing on noun phrases (not full sentences), to capture and represent the information content in documents. CLARIT has developed large-scale linguistics tools.
- Browse Image
- Browse_image is a very fast image viewer and. It displays Fax Group 4 Tiff images very rapidly on Unix workstations running the X
Window System. Browse_image can be used as a helper application with WWW browsers such as Mosaic.
- Witz
- Witz is a http to Z39.50 gateway. It maintains the state of a search using an efficient cahing scheme. The software can be mounted on a separate server or combined with either the server or client code. Witz is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 1995.