This module implements Python classes that correspond to SPKI object.
The objects defined by SPKI are S-expressions consisting of an object
name and zero or more ``parts.'' This module defines a Python class
for each SPKI object, where the object name corresponds to the class
name and the parts correspond to instance attributes.
Each SPKI object is represented in Pisces by a subclass of
SPKIObject. These classes have attributes for each of the
parts of the S-expression. Some classes also have methods for performing
operations using the data contained in the SPKI object;
e.g. public-key
objects have encrypt and
decrypt methods.
- SPKIObject ()
This abstract base class defines the sexp method and several
operators that rely on the S-expression of an object.
The constructors for SPKIObject instances take a number of
argument equal to the number of parts in the S-expression, i.e. the
number of parts following the object name.
- sexp ()
Returns a pisces.spkilib.sexp.SExp for the object.
The following methods use Python operator overloading. They should
not be called directly but provide support for Python builtin
operations like repr, comparison, and use as a dictionary
- __repr__ ()
Returns the advanced form of the S-expression.
- __cmp__ (other)
SPKIObject instances are compared using the canonical
S-expression encoding.
- __hash__ ()
The hash of an object is that hash of the canonical encoding of its
The object names used by SPKI can not be used directly as Python class
names because they contain hyphens. They also clash with typical
Python style which uses capital letters. SPKI object names are
converted to class names using the name_to_impl function.
- name_to_impl (name)
Returns the class name corresponding to a SPKI object. Names are
translated as follows: The SPKI name is broken up into multiple
components at each hyphen. The first letter of each component is
capitalized. If the first character of the first component is a
number, an underscore is prepended. The SPKI name
translated as TagExpr.
For example, the SPKI name rsa-pkcs1-md5
is translated as
In some cases, the name returned by name_to_impl refers to
a factory function that will produce instances of the desired class.
The factory functions are necessary when the class returned depends on
some part of the S-expression other than the object name.
There are several helper functions that convert from S-expressions to
Python instances.
- parse (buf)
Parse the canonical S-expression buf and return a
SPKIObject instance. Uses pisces.spkilib.sexp.parse.
- parseText (s)
Parse the human-readable S-expression s and return a
SPKIObject instance. Uses pisces.spkilib.sexp.parseText.
- Evaluator (*namespaces)
An Evaluator instance is used to translate from S-expressions
to Python objects. It contains one or more namespaces that map from
SPKI object names to factory functions and classes. The optional
namespaces arguments must support the mapping protocol.
- eval (s, [tag])
Returns a SPKIObject corresponding to the
pisces.spkilib.sexp.SExp. It uses an Evaluator
intialized with the current module's namespace.
The module defines the following utility functions:
- isPrincipal (obj)
Return true if obj is a public key or hash.
- encryptWithPassword (object, pw[, bogus])
Return a PasswordEncrypted instance containing an encrypted
copy of object. The encryption is performed using the PBES2
scheme defined by PKCS #5 using pw as the password, a triple
DES in CBC mode as the cipher.
If the optional argument bogus is specified, the object is
marked as using a bogus password. This is useful only for testing
- getTime ([t])
Return a time in SPKI format. If t is specified, it must be a
numer representing the current Unix time, e.g. as returned by
time.time. If t is not specified, the current time
is returned.
- checkTime (t)
Returns true if t is a syntactically valid SPKI time.
- getIssuerAndSubject (obj[warning])
Retrieve issuer and subject from obj, which may be a Sequence
containing a cert. This function will search through a sequence
looking for a cert object or use a cert object passed directly.
- extractSignedCert (seq)
Extract a cert and its signature from a sequence.
- makePublicKey (impl)
Return a PublicKey SPKI object from impl, an instance of
pisces.pkcs1.RSA_pkcs1. By default, produces an
- makePrivateKey (impl)
Return a PrivateKey SPKI object from impl, an instance of
pisces.pkcs1.RSA_pkcs1. By default, produces an
- setHashAlgorithm (alg)
Change the hash function used by makePublicKey and
makePrivateKey to the algorithm identified by alg, a
- makeRSAKeyPair (bits)
Create a new bits-bit RSA key pair. Return two values, the
public and private components. Uses makePublicKey and
- RSAKeyMaker ([algid])
The functions makePublicKey and makePrivateKey
are defined by a default instance of RSAKeyMaker. This class,
which is instantiated with the OID of a hash function, generates keys
that use that hash function for signing.
- makePublicKey (impl)
See the function makePublicKey.
- makePrivateKey (impl)
See the function makePrivateKey.
- makeCert (issuer, subject, tag[, propagate
[, valid]])
Create a SPKI
. The issuer and subject must be
principals; the function will wrap them in issuer
S-expressions. If the propagate keyword arg is
true, a propagate entry will be added to the cert. If the valid
keyword argument is supplied, it should contain a sequence of validity
constraints, e.g. not-before
, not-after
, and online
- makeNameCert (issuer, subject, name[, valid])
Create a SPKI name
binding the string name to
subject in issuer's namespace. The valid keyword
argument should contain one or more validity constraints.
- makeAclEntry (subject, valid, propagate, permissions)
Return a Entry object for an access control list. An
Entry is like a Cert, but without an issuer.
The rest of this section describes the Python classes that correspond
to SPKI objects.
Many of the SPKI objects defined in this module do not have methods
associated with them. They do define attributes, which are themselves
SPKI objects or strings. These objects include Hash,
Signature, Do, and Name. Other objects are
always contained by another object; e.g. RSAPublicKey is
always used as a component of PublicKey. The contained
classes are not documented.
- PublicKey (key)
The implementation delegates all calls to the contained
RSAPublicKey object, which in turn delegates to a
pisces.pkcs1.RSA_pkcs1 object.
- verify (obj, sig)
Verify that the Signature sig matches obj.
- getPrincipal ()
Return the principal (hash) of the key.
- encrypt (plain)
Return a string containing plain encrypted with the key.
- decrypt (cipher)
Return a string containing the plain text recover from decrypting the
string cipher with the key.
- PrivateKey (key)
The implementation delegates all calls to the contained
RSAPrivateKey object, which in turn delegates to a
pisces.pkcs1.RSA_pkcs1 object.
- sign (obj)
Return a Signature object for the SPKI object or string
- getPrincipal ()
Return the principal (hash) of the public key.
- getPublicKey ()
Return the public key that corresponds to this private key.
- encrypt (plain)
Return a string containing plain encrypted with the key.
- decrypt (cipher)
Return a string containing the plain text recover from decrypting the
string cipher with the key.
- Sequence ()
Behaves like a Python sequence.
- Valid ()
subclasses NotBefore, NotAfter, Online
- isValid ()
- Cert ()
- getTag ()
- isValid ()
- isNameCert ()
- getSubject ()
- getIssuer ()
- SignedCert (cert, sig)
- getSequence ()
- verifySignature (keydb)
- Issuer ()
- isName ()
- getPrincipal ()
- Subject ()
- isName ()
- getPrincipal ()
- Entry ()
- getTag ()
- isValid ()
- Keyholder ()
- getPrincipal ()
- Tag ()
supports __nonzero__, __cmp__, __and__
- intersect (atag)
- TagExpr ()
note: realy _TagExpr
subclasses TagStar, TagSet, TagRange,
- copy ()
- contains ()
- intersect ()
- TagSet ()
- add (arg)
- AppTag ()
- copy ()
XXX need to define SPKI-style bnf for
- PasswordEncrypted ()
- getKey ([pw])
- decrypt ([pw])
- isBogus ()
- Pbes2Hmac ()
- getKey (pw)
- _3desCipher ()
- decrypt (key)