Configuring the Repository Server

The first step in running the repository server is to create an appropriate configuration file. The configuration file format resembles SGML, and consists of open and close tags surrounding parameter values. The following example is the default configuration used by the server.


rootDir specifies the directory in which the server will create its data files.

name provides a semantic name for the repository. This is intended to allow multiple repositories within the same root tree.

iorFile is the path to a file the server will create at runtime containing the CORBA IOR address that can be used to connect to the server. This file should reside on a web server, and a registered handle to the URL for this file acts as the repository's Id. More information about the handle system can be found at the Handle System Home Page.

The dynamicLibDir tag denotes the directory the server should use for storing cached servlet and type signature executables.

Important: The dynamicLibDir directory must be created before running the server. Unlike other directories, the server will not create it.

exeCaching is a flag to turn servlet and type signature executable caching off. The default setting is true. When an executable is cached, the server will not attempt to reload it unless exeCaching is set to false. Production servers in which types will be static and will not need to be replaced should enable caching. Test repositories in which servlet debugging will be necessary should turn executable caching off.