The Handle System

A Handle is a name used to identify items and other Internet resources. The Handle System is a distributed computer system which stores these names and provides the information that is needed to locate and access these items.

Grail and Python

Grail is an extensible Internet browser written entirely in the interpreted object-oriented programming language Python. Grail version 0.3b3 (the third beta of Grail 0.3) was released on 12 March 1997. Python is a portable, interpreted, object-oriented programming language developed over the past five years at CWI in Amsterdam.

Knowbot Programs

Knowbot Programs are mobile agents intended for use in widely distributed systems like the Internet. A Knowbot® Program is a combination of data and a thread of control that can move among nodes in a distributed system.

Digital Object Identifier System for the Association of American Publishers

CNRI is working with the Association of American Publishers (AAP) to develop a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) System, a standard method for identifying digital content.

Digital Object Architecture

This project is a continuation of the DARPA-funded Computer Science Technical Reports (CS-TR) project, which developed a framework for Distributed Digital Object Services and implemented some of the key components. This project continues the research and development of this framework, and two testbeds at the Library of Congress.

Digital Object Infrastructure Project

CNRI is conducting research, that is funded by DARPA, in the areas of Digital Libraries, Rights Management, and Classification of Digital Objects.

Archived Projects

Computer Science Technical Reports Project
Knowbot Information Service (KIS)
Gigabit Testbed Initiative

Corporation for National Research Initiatives, 1895 Preston White Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191
[ Draft - cr - 3/14/97 ]