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System & Technology Demonstration Projects
The Cordra software provides a mechanism for the creation of, and access to, digital objects as discrete data structures with unique, resolvable identifiers. Any information in digital form, such as documents, spreadsheet data, videos, scientific datasets, etc., can be structured and managed as digital objects. Furthermore, descriptive information about those digital objects can be registered.
Handle.Net® Registry
CNRI is a Multi-Primary Administrator (MPA) of the Global Handle Registry® run by the DONA Foundation. It is one of several international MPAs authorized to allot prefixes to users of Handle System® software. The Handle.Net Registry has made Handle.Net software (HN_v8.1), the latest version of CNRI's handle server software, available for download.
DOI® System
CNRI is working with the International DOI Foundation (IDF) to support the DOI System, a standard method for identifying content objects in the digital environment, using Handle.Net Registry software as the underlying technology.
DO Store
The DO Store provides downloadable software that comprises reference implementations of components of the Digital Object Architecture (DO Architecture). Included are links to the DO Repository for managing digital objects and the DO Registry for accessing metadata about digital objects.
New DO Store service: a capability for searching, accessing and retrieving digital objects (DO).
Knowbot Programs
Knowbot Programs are mobile agents intended for use in widely distributed systems like the Internet. Knowbot software can be used in a variety of applications, e.g., in data mining, to support protocol negotiation between geographically distributed systems, and to mediate access to information in a network environment.